This certificate course will develop core skills across both bread making and cake and pastry competencies. You'll be prepared for a broad range of baking career options, from specialty catering to retail baking and cake decorating. Learn the fundamental skills of commercial cake and pastry production with valuable on-site training as an apprentice. Angliss is a leader in bread, pastry production and cake making, offering you a qualification that is recognised worldwide.
Februari 2025
Melbourne Campus
555 La Trobe Street,
3000, MELBOURNE, Australia
Juli 2025
Melbourne Campus
555 La Trobe Street,
3000, MELBOURNE, Australia
Successful completion of an Australian Year 11 with satisfactory results and attendance.
Successful Completion of a recognized Foundation Studies program in Australia.
International Baccalaureate Certificate minimum 25 points.
Cambridge Overseas School Certificate or GCE O levels passes in at least 5 subjects with minimum of 3 Cs.
English language requirements
International students must have a good command of written and spoken English. William Angliss Institute English Language entry requirements must be demonstrated by ONE of the following:
Mungkin ada beberapa persyaratan IELTS yang berbeda, tergantung jurusan yang kamu ambil