Juni 2025
To gain entry into Graduate Diploma of Engineering (Mechanical), we require applicants to hold:
A recognized 3-year bachelor degree in an engineering qualification in a congruent field of practice; OR
An EIT Bachelor of Science (Engineering) degree in a congruent field of practice; OR
A 4-year Bachelor of Engineering qualification (or equivalent) that is recognized under the Washington Accord or by Engineers Australia, in a congruent, or a different field of practice at the discretion of the Admissions Committee; OR
A 4-year Bachelor of Engineering qualification (or equivalent) that is not recognized under the Washington Accord, in a congruent field of practice to this program; AND
An appropriate level of English Language Proficiency equivalent to an English pass level in an Australian Senior Certificate of Education, or an IELTS score of 6.0 (with no individual band less than 6.0), or equivalent as outlined in the EIT Admissions Policy.
With integrated compulsory twelve-week professional industry experience, training or project work of which six weeks are directly supervised by a professional/eligible professional engineer as determined by EIT.
Congruent field of practice means one of the following with adequate Mechanical Engineering content (fields not listed below to be considered by the Dean and the Admissions Committee on a case-by-case basis):
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical and Material Systems
Mechatronic Systems
Production Engineering
Manufacturing and Management Systems
Industrial Automation Engineering
Instrumentation, Control, and Automation
Applicants may have a maximum of one individual band of 5.5 and be granted entry subject to the provision of English language support by EIT.
Mungkin ada beberapa persyaratan IELTS yang berbeda, tergantung jurusan yang kamu ambil