Adult Graduation Program


Apa yang akan saya pelajari?

This BC Ministry of Education program is for students 18 and over and provides a faster track to graduation (as little as one or two semesters) and a direct pathway to our University Transfer Program or entry to other colleges in British Columbia. Students receive a BC Adult Graduation Diploma (Adult Dogwood Diploma) upon completion of this program. Students may transfer credits from high school programs studied elsewhere in North America or they can start anew in Canada. Students must complete only 5 courses to graduate, with no additional assessments needed. This is an accelerated graduation option for older students.

Saya termasuk departemen apa?

Coquitlam College

Pilihan kuliah

Purna Waktu (1 semester)

Biaya kuliah
CAD$7.200,00 (Rp 81.095.423) per tahun
CAN $5760.00 based on 4 courses; Private Medical Plan - 47.00 (per month)

* Biaya yang tercantum di halaman ini untuk tujuan indikatif, silahkan baca informasi resmi dari universitas bersangkutan

Tanggal mulai

Mei 2025


Coquitlam College

300 - 2920 Virtual Way,


British Columbia,

V5M 0C4, Canada

Persyaratan masuk

Untuk mahasiswa internasional

Students are accepted into Grade 10, 11 or 12 of the Senior High School Program based on an evaluation of the official transcripts from their previous school, as well as their English language fluency.

Mungkin ada beberapa persyaratan IELTS yang berbeda, tergantung jurusan yang kamu ambil

Info tentang Coquitlam College

Vancouver disebut sebagai salah satu kota yang paling layak huni di dunia karena lokasinya yang indah, bursa tenaga kerja yang dinamis, dan tingkat ke

  • Komunitas mahasiswa internasional yang beragam
  • Program-program transfer yang mengarah ke jenjang S1.
  • Tersedia program 1 tahun dan 2 tahun
  • Lokasi yang sangat baik di dekat pusat kota Vancouver

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