Advanced Diploma in Management



Apa yang akan saya pelajari?

The program is designed for students with post-secondary diplomas (not necessarily in a business or management field) or equivalent and a minimum of two years work experience. The focus is on applied studies and real-world cases. Work independently and collaboratively to demonstrate industry-recognized standards of excellence. The resulting skill set enables you to begin entrepreneurial ventures or to assume more senior management roles

Residency Requirements

A minimum of nine TRU credits (distance or on-campus)

Diploma Requirements

45 credits, with a minimum GPA of 2.00 (a grade of C) in all courses required to complete this credential, as follows:

FNCE 2121, Financial Management (3)

ACCT 2251, Management Accounting (3)

BLAW 2911, Commercial Law (3)

BBUS 3611, Open Thinking (3)

BBUS 3631, Open Communication: Effective Communication Skills (3)

MNGT 3731, Leadership (3)

BBUS 3661, Strategic Human Resource Management (3)

BBUS 3671, Contemporary Leadership (3)

MNGT 3711, Business Ethics and Society (3)

MKTG 4451, E-Commerce (3)

MNGT 4711, Decision Analysis (3)

MNGT 4751, Project Management (6)

ENTR 4751, New Venture Creation (3)

BBUS 4833, Effective Leadership (3)

You benefit from taking BBUS 3661, Strategic Human Resource Management before taking BBUS 3631, Open Communication: Effective Communication Skills and MNGT 3731, Leadership.

Saya termasuk departemen apa?

Thompson Rivers University

Pilihan kuliah

Online/Jarak jauh (45 jam)

Biaya kuliah
CAN $462.02 per credit

* Biaya yang tercantum di halaman ini untuk tujuan indikatif, silahkan baca informasi resmi dari universitas bersangkutan

Tanggal mulai

September 2025

Persyaratan masuk

Untuk mahasiswa internasional

Completion of at least 60 credits of post-secondary studies and two years of relevant work or volunteer experience.
If you have fewer than 60 formal post-secondary credits, you may request an evaluation of your experiential learning through a PLAR assessment.

English Language Proficiency Requirements: TOEFL iBT - 88+ with no section below 20; TOEFL paper-based - 570+ TWE 4.5+; TOEFL Computer-Based - 230+ Essay 4.5+; IELTS - 6.5+ with no bands below 6.0; MELAB - 81+; CanTEST - 4.5+ with no component score below 4.0; CAEL - Overall 70+ No subtest below 60.

Mungkin ada beberapa persyaratan IELTS yang berbeda, tergantung jurusan yang kamu ambil

Info tentang Thompson Rivers University

Berlokasi di Kanada, TRU menawarkan para mahasiswa internasional ruang yang beragam, inklusif dan memberdayakan untuk belajar, tinggal dan berkembang.

  • Lebih dari 200 program tatap muka di kampus dan online
  • 100+ program yang memenuhi syarat PGWP
  • Nomor 1 di Kanada dalam Peringkat Universitas Lestari
  • 95% mahasiswa puas dengan program-program S1

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