Pathway + S1

Bachelor of Arts, General Studies


Apa yang akan saya pelajari?

With the Bachelor of Arts, General Studies program, you get a broad education in arts.

Residency requirements:

A minimum of 15 TRU credits (distance or on-campus)

Degree requirements:

120 credits, including 45 upper-level credits, with a grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 or higher over all courses required for this credential, as follows:

General education requirements (24 credits):

These may be met with lower- or upper-level university courses refer to General Education requirements for arts and science degree programs.

6 credits in English (university-level composition and literature), excluding technical- and business-writing courses

6 credits in humanities, other than English

6 credits in mathematics (including statistics) and/or science

6 credits in social science

Upper-level requirements (45 credits):

30 credits in humanities, sciences, social sciences or related interdisciplinary fields

15 upper-level elective credits

Elective requirements (51 credits):

May be lower-level or upper-level credits. Approval of education, business and administrative studies courses are is on a case-by-case basis. Applied credit may not be used to meet arts requirements.

Saya termasuk departemen apa?

Faculty of Arts

Pilihan kuliah

Online/Jarak jauh (120 jam)

Biaya kuliah
CAN $462.02 per credit

* Biaya yang tercantum di halaman ini untuk tujuan indikatif, silahkan baca informasi resmi dari universitas bersangkutan

Tanggal mulai

September 2025

Persyaratan masuk

Untuk mahasiswa internasional

TRU programs generally require BC high school graduation or equivalent.

English Language Proficiency Requirements: TOEFL iBT - 88+ with no section below 20; TOEFL paper-based - 570+ TWE 4.5+; TOEFL Computer-Based - 230+ Essay 4.5+; IELTS - 6.5+ with no bands below 6.0; MELAB - 81+; CanTEST - 4.5+ with no component score below 4.0; CAEL - Overall 70+ No subtest below 60.

Deadlines for students of pre-assessment eligible nationalities (Bangladesh, Ghana, India, Iran and Nigeria): Fall: February 15, 2024. Deadlines for students of all other nationalities: Fall: March 1, 2024; Winter 2025: September 1, 2024.

Mungkin ada beberapa persyaratan IELTS yang berbeda, tergantung jurusan yang kamu ambil

Pilihan program Pathways

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Universitas ini menerima kursus jalur persiapan dari

Info tentang Thompson Rivers University

Berlokasi di Kanada, TRU menawarkan para mahasiswa internasional ruang yang beragam, inklusif dan memberdayakan untuk belajar, tinggal dan berkembang.

  • Lebih dari 200 program tatap muka di kampus dan online
  • 100+ program yang memenuhi syarat PGWP
  • Nomor 1 di Kanada dalam Peringkat Universitas Lestari
  • 95% mahasiswa puas dengan program-program S1

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