The School of the Environment at the University of Windsor offers both MSc and PhD degree programs, where we excel in providing innovative approaches to important problems.
Our research facilities contain state-of-the-art equipment, enabling our researchers and graduate students to stay on the cutting edge of earth and environmental research.
Course Requirements: The candidate for a Master's degree will be required to take ESCI-8800 and ESCI-8900, plus a minimum of two graduate courses normally from Earth and Environmental Sciences but may include courses from cognate disciplines with prior approval. Not more than one course may be in Special Topics (ESCI-8818), and not more than two courses may be from the same instructor. Additional 8000-level Science or Engineering courses may be taken on the recommendation of the student's Master's Committee. Up to three additional courses may be required to be taken as prerequisites or required background courses. The total of all courses taken shall not exceed eight. The student's Master's Committee shall recommend to the program coordinator all courses to be taken for graduate credit after discussion with the candidate. In addition, original research work must be pursued and embodied in a thesis submitted for degree credit. Credit for graduate study previously undertaken may be given for a maximum of two courses, but the duration of study at the University of Windsor may not be reduced to less than the minimum of one year.
Examination Requirements: The final examination of a candidate for the Master's degree shall be an oral defense of the thesis at a public lecture.
Areas of Focus
Januari 2025
Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Windsor Campus,
Chrysler Hall Tower, 2nd floor, room 207,
Ontario (ON),
N9B 3P4, Canada
A student with a four-year degree or equivalent in the discipline to which s/he is seeking admission, and who has an academic standing equivalent to 70% or better in the final two years of study (full time equivalent) may be admitted to a Master's program.
Minimum TOEFL: IBT-83; Minimum IELTS: 6.5; Minimum Pearson: 65.
Deadline for Fall: July 1; Winter: November 1.
Mungkin ada beberapa persyaratan IELTS yang berbeda, tergantung jurusan yang kamu ambil