Accounting & Finance BSc (Hons)




Apa yang akan saya pelajari?

With a focus on technology and innovation, our Accounting & Finance BSc will prepare you for the finance challenges of the future.This course is designed for the finance professional of tomorrow. Technology is coming to the forefront of the industry and we will equip you with the skills you need to succeed in an ever-changing financial landscape.Key benefits- King's College London are part of the 'Partners in Learning' programme with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).- Explore cutting edge developments in AI and analytics alongside core financial disciplines such as corporate finance, management accounting, taxation, and risk management.- With London's square mile right on our doorstep, students will have access to a central hub of finance and commerce.- Discover other areas to enhance your understanding of accounting and finance, such as business law, economics and organisation & society.- Focus across both the theoretical principles of accounting and finance and more rigourous practical skills designed to give graduates a strong platform from which to access their chosen career.- In the first year you’ll avoid the fatigue of eleven week modules with our unique, shorter eight week modules, topped and tailed with immersive one-week modules designed to help you consolidate and reflect on your learning across the entire term. Please see our online prospectus for further details on this programme:

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King's Business School

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Purna Waktu (3 tahun)

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Tanggal mulai

September 2025


Main Site

Strand, London,


City Of Westminster,


Persyaratan masuk

Untuk mahasiswa dari Amerika Serikat

Including grade A in Mathematics.Please note that A-level General Studies, Critical Thinking, Thinking Skills and Global Perspectives are not accepted by King's as one of your A-levels. However, if offered the grade achieved may be taken into account when considering whether or not to accept a candidate who has just fallen short of the conditions of their offer.

Mungkin ada beberapa persyaratan IELTS yang berbeda, tergantung jurusan yang kamu ambil

Info tentang King's College London

Mahasiswa seluruh dunia dapat berkuliah di King’s dan menikmati pendidikan kelas dunia, yang dengan kerja keras akan menghasilkan kesuksesan karir.

  • Anggota Grup Russell yang dihormati
  • Standar pengajaran dan dukungan karir yang unggul
  • Mahasiswa yang beragam dengan 18.000 mahasiswa internasional
  • Koneksi yang unggul ke organisasi di London dan global

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