Astrophysics MPhys



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**Join a top 10 university for physics in the UK (The Guardian Best UK Universities 2024) in the vibrant, welcoming capital city of Wales.**Astrophysics applies the principles of physics to astrological phenomena, helping us to explore the Universe and investigate how it works.The four-year MPhys degree course is ideal if you want to study astrophysics in more depth than during a BSc course. If you’re interested in becoming a research scientist, an MPhys degree is a great route to this role.At Cardiff University, we are home to one of the largest astronomy groups in the UK and have led many new discoveries, from the detection of gravitational waves to the first images of black holes. During this course, you’ll be taught by staff whose research is leading to these discoveries – learning about the theoretical physics and mathematical conceptsdescribing space, time, energy and matter, and how to apply these to the cosmos.A more specialised course than our Physics with Astronomy degrees, our Astrophysicscourses provide you with the core skills and knowledge you need in physics and mathematics, combined with an understanding of observational astronomy and the theoretical aspects of astrophysics. An ideal grounding for a career as an astrophysicist, this degree also prepares you for a range of careers from data analysis and technology to finance and education. In year one, you’ll take core modules to lay the foundations of your physics, mathematics and computing knowledge, as well as an introduction to astrophysics. You’ll gain confidence in practical work through designing and conducting experiments in the laboratory.Combined with your core physics modules in years two and three, you’ll also learn about:- observational techniques in astronomy;- the stars and their planets;- galaxies and galaxy evolution;- high energy astrophysics;- cosmology and the Big Bang theory of the Universe.As part of the observational techniques module, you’ll carry out a project using real data from the Las Cumbres Observatory, which uses a range of robotic telescopes around the world working as a single network.In the final year of your MPhys, you’ll carry out a significant research project as part of our research team, learning how to become a research scientist working on a real challenge, and developing the analytical and problem-solving skills needed by professional astrophysicists. This may involve analysing data from our international or space-based telescopes, trying to understand the physics of the Universe using computer modelling, or even attempting to detect extrasolar planets.

Saya termasuk departemen apa?

School of Physics and Astronomy

Pilihan kuliah

Purna Waktu (4 tahun)

Biaya kuliah
£28.200,00 (Rp 570.675.488) per tahun
£28200 Per year

Ini adalah biaya tetap

* Biaya yang tercantum di halaman ini untuk tujuan indikatif, silahkan baca informasi resmi dari universitas bersangkutan

Tanggal mulai

September 2025


Main Site - Cardiff

30-36 Newport Road,


CF24 0DE, WALES, Wales

Persyaratan masuk

Untuk mahasiswa dari Amerika Serikat

AAA-AAB for applicants taking A Level Maths and Physics. For applicants taking A Level Maths only (NO PHYSICS) A*AB - A*BB with A* in A Level Maths.This offer excludes General Studies and Critical ThinkingA pass in the science practical is normally required.

Mungkin ada beberapa persyaratan IELTS yang berbeda, tergantung jurusan yang kamu ambil

Info tentang Cardiff University

Cardiff University menawarkan pengajaran terdepan di dunia, kehidupan kampus yang aktif, aneka kegiatan, fasilitas unggul & prospek karier global.

  • Masuk 24 besar universitas penelitian intensif di Inggris
  • No.12 di Inggris untuk kesiapan kerja lulusan (THE, 2024)
  • Kota pelajar paling terjangkau No.2 di Inggris (NatWest 2023)
  • Memiliki lebih dari 7.500 mahasiswa internasional

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