Apa yang akan saya pelajari?
Develop your appreciation of biology on this four-year course, which includes a year spent with an approved university in Spain. You'll examine the behaviour of living systems from the level of cells up to whole organisms and ecosystems. Through this work, you'll gain a detailed knowledge of the relationships, evolution, and key features of various organisms as you explore the diversity of life on earth.The language element of this course will see you explore the theory and practice of translation. This includes opportunities to analyse the history, politics, science and technology of your chosen country. Your studies will be complemented by a dedicated Life Science Skills programme. This provides training in quantitative skills, programming, statistics, and scientific writing and presentation.The second year offers you the chance to specialise across a series of optional modules, in areas including ecology, molecular biology and stem cells.Laboratory, computational and field work will help you acquire the skills to design, carry out and analyse data from biological experiments.With access to the thriving research environment at Imperial, you'll be taught by world leaders as you learn how to solve complex real-world problems.Your third year will be spent at a university in your chosen country, where you will attend lectures and conduct a research project as you experience a different cultural environment.Your final year sees your studies culminate with an extensive research project. This work will enable you to progress your personal and professional identity as a life scientist.
Saya termasuk departemen apa?
Life Sciences
Persyaratan masuk
Untuk mahasiswa dari Amerika Serikat
Must include: A in Biology A in Physics, Chemistry or MathematicsGeneral Studies and Critical Thinking are not accepted.If you are made an offer you will be required to achieve a pass in the practical endorsement in all science subjects that form part of the offer.Language Requirement:AS Level Spanish grade BA level Spanish grade C