Business Management BSc (Hons)




Apa yang akan saya pelajari?

Ranked 1st in London for Business & Management studies (The Complete University Guide 2020), our Business Management course provides a comprehensive and exciting approach to modern business studies.You’ll learn about the fundamentals of how businesses operate, and as you progress through your degree you’ll be introduced to the advanced concepts of many management disciplines.Our course offers a range of topics for you to explore, including international business, finance, entrepreneurship, economics, marketing and many more.Key benefits- In the first year you’ll avoid the fatigue of eleven week modules with our unique, shorter eight week modules, topped and tailed with immersive one-week modules designed to help you consolidate and reflect on your learning across the entire term.- Our research-led curriculum encourages critical analysis and debate on a wide range of contemporary management issues.- Our graduates are highly employable, entering careers that include banking, consultancy, accountancy, marketing, advertising and management.- Gain valuable work experience in your third year to enhance your career prospects when you graduate. Please see our online prospectus for further details on this programme:

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King's Business School

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September 2025


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  • Mahasiswa yang beragam dengan 18.000 mahasiswa internasional
  • Koneksi yang unggul ke organisasi di London dan global