Celtic Civilisation/History MA (Hons)


Apa yang akan saya pelajari?

**CELTIC CIVILISATION:** - Celtic Civilisation immerses you in the history of the Celts, the development of their societies, their literature, material culture, art and religion, from earliest times on the European continent to the present-day British Isles. You will have the opportunity to study the medieval and modern cultures of the Celtic-speaking peoples, with scholars at the cutting edge of research: as part of a joint degree, with no requirement to learn a Celtic language.**HISTORY**: -The study of history is the study of change and continuity in human society through time. In this wide-ranging programme you will learn different approaches to studying the past as a way of understanding the present in its political, economic, ideological, social and cultural sense. History hosts the Centre for Gender History which works closely with external organisations in the field of women’s and gender issues. You’ll be able to take courses offered by members of the Scottish Centre for War Studies which offers expertise in war and conflict from medieval times to the present day.

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College of Arts

Pilihan kuliah

Purna Waktu (4 tahun)

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Tanggal mulai

September 2025


Gilmorehill (Main) Campus

University Of Glasgow,

University Avenue,


Glasgow, City Of,

G12 8QQ, SCOTLAND, Scotland

Persyaratan masuk

Untuk mahasiswa dari Amerika Serikat

Must include at least one Arts/Humanities subject.

Mungkin ada beberapa persyaratan IELTS yang berbeda, tergantung jurusan yang kamu ambil

Info tentang University of Glasgow

Glasgow telah melahirkan banyak penemuan yang mengubah dunia selama 500 tahun, dan mahasiswa disini menjadi para pelopor inovatif di dunia global.

  • Berlokasi di Glasgow, kota musik dalam daftar UNESCO
  • Masuk dalam 100 besar universitas terbaik dunia
  • Perguruan tinggi keempat tertua di Inggris
  • Menawarkan lebih dari 600 program studi

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