Creative Writing and Film and Television BA (Hons)


Apa yang akan saya pelajari?

The joint honours degree in Creative Writing/Film and Television at Aberystwyth University provides exciting and diverse opportunities for working across a broad variety of forms and genres. Under the expert guidance of a team of award-winning writers, you will develop creative skills that will enable you to work confidently and effectively in a whole host of styles that are valued and widely sought by employers. In addition, your Film and Television will provide a complementary set of knowledge and skills which will further enhance your employability and interests. You will find your degree programme both demanding and rewarding. Our aim is to stimulate, encourage and challenge your creativity, ensuring that by the end of your degree you will have not only a portfolio of exceptional creative material but also the skills and attributes to flourish in any workplace that demands dexterity with the written word. You will be part of a University that endeavours to provide you with an exceptional and memorable student experience.You will be taught by staff who are distinguished practising writers and published authors across a broad spectrum of literary fields. You will be encouraged to develop your creative and critical writing skills. You will be encouraged to expand your range and capabilities as a writer to enable you to work confidently in a variety of forms and genres. We offer you opportunities to engage with a wide variety of approaches to literature and cultural history, combining critical thinking with scholarship.You will have the opportunity to explore literary theory - philosophical and conceptual ideas that inform, challenge and problematize the ways we read. In your final year you will have the opportunity to take part in a writing retreat at a country house in mid Wales - an amazing opportunity to spend time with fellow students and staff, developing your final year projects and dissertations, in a splendid rural setting. We have one of the biggest libraries in the world, the National Library of Wales, on our doorstep. This copyright institution receives a copy of every book published in the UK. The department is home to New Welsh Review, Wales’ foremost literary magazine - this could be an exciting opportunity for you to get involved. As a student in the department of English Literature and Creative Writing, you will have the opportunity to undertake a study abroad placement in one of many partnered Universities across Europe and the rest of the World or complete a year in industry (YES) and develop the skills and contact leads that will give you the head start in the competitive job market. A degree in English Literature is the "gold standard" for any employment setting where communication is valued. All of our modules deliver key skills that enable you to build a comprehensive C.V. that evidences your diverse range of competencies. Our graduates have been successful across the widest possible range of career destinations: + Broadcasting; + Journalism; + Advertising; + Publishing; + Education;+ Civil Service; + Business; + Finance; + New Media.

Saya termasuk departemen apa?

Department of English and Creative Writing

Pilihan kuliah

Purna Waktu (3 tahun)

Biaya kuliah
£18.170,00 (Rp 367.701.192) per tahun
£18170 Per year

Ini adalah biaya tetap

* Biaya yang tercantum di halaman ini untuk tujuan indikatif, silahkan baca informasi resmi dari universitas bersangkutan

Tanggal mulai

September 2025


Main Site (Aberystwyth)

Penglais Campus,

Penglais Road,



SY23 3DD, WALES, Wales

Mungkin ada beberapa persyaratan IELTS yang berbeda, tergantung jurusan yang kamu ambil

Info tentang Aberystwyth University

Aberystwyth adalah salah satu universitas terbaik di Inggris bagi mahasiswa yang mencari pendidikan berkelas dunia dan berbasis penelitian.

  • Pusat keunggulan untuk kualitas penelitian
  • Universitas terbaik untuk kualitas pengajaran (2019)
  • Terbaik di Inggris & Wales untuk kepuasan mahasiswa (2019)
  • Klasifikasi tertinggi untuk Keunggulan Pengajaran (Gold TEF)

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