Eye and vision science research in Liverpool extends from basic molecular interactions through to health service implementation with the goal of translating our findings for the benefit of patients. Our team of non-clinical and clinical scientists come from a range of backgrounds and work closely together studying the mechanisms, prevention, early detection and treatment of eye diseases.
The Department of Eye and Vision Science and their clinical counterparts in St Paul’s Eye Unit in the Royal Liverpool University Hospital work side by side and this has allowed the Department to develop into one of the key centres in the UK for medical research into vision-threatening diseases and build its internationally recognised reputation in eye research.
The Institute of Ageing & Chronic Disease provides a powerful focus for understanding the many variables - from bioscience to social - that influence ageing and chronic disease in people throughout their lives. Our research activity ranges from molecule to population, laboratory to bedside, and we have over 100 research active staff creating new insights into patients, lifestyles, health issues, bioscience, epidemiology and care.
These insights into eye and vision science are translating into real world benefits, whether it's the new approaches we are developing to allow efficient drug delivery into the eye or the retina scan we created to detect cerebral malaria in African children. Delivering this kind of return on investments helped us attract solid funding, with partners including Wellcome Trust, UK Research Councils, NIH (USA), Unilever and GSK.
With our extensive in-house research facilities and strong UK and global academic partners, we're well-placed to continue our mission and realise our ambitious plans in the ageing and chronic disease field.
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Februari 2025
University of Liverpool
The Foundation Building,
765 Brownlow Hill,
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