Journalism and Media BA (Hons)



Apa yang akan saya pelajari?

Develop practical journalism skills while you gain an understanding of its place within the global news industry.This degree takes the best of our Journalism and Media and Communication degrees, giving you a grounding in journalism, and helping you develop practical skills while understanding the context in which the contemporary media operates.Media and Communication at the University of Leicester, which includes Journalism, has been at the forefront of media research since 1966 and our teaching has always been informed by all the latest developments in the field. We are ranked as one of the top 15 places in the UK to study Communication and Media Studies*.Journalism in the 21st century needs journalists who are comfortable operating across all platforms. This course will allow you to develop skills in broadcasting and digital/multi-media platforms as well as traditional print journalism so you can work in any and all media. You will also receive a thorough grounding on key journalistic skills in core areas such as news-gathering and interviewing.You will be strongly encouraged to do industry placements with professional organisations, either as part of their degree or alongside it.*The Complete University Guide 2021

Saya termasuk departemen apa?

School of Media, Communication and Sociology

Pilihan kuliah

Purna Waktu (3 - 4 YEARS)

Biaya kuliah
Informasi tidak tersedia

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Tanggal mulai

September 2025


Main Site

University Road,




Mungkin ada beberapa persyaratan IELTS yang berbeda, tergantung jurusan yang kamu ambil

Info tentang University of Leicester

University of Leicester kini menjadi rumah bagi lebih dari 4.000 mahasiswa internasional, menjadikannya sebagai tempat berkuliah yang bermultibudaya.

  • Universitas riset terkemuka di Inggris
  • Peringkat 37 di UK & 17 global, THE World University Rankings
  • Institusi yang progresif, berwawasan dan berorientasi riset
  • Menawarkan lebih dari 300 program bergelar dan kursus

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