Law and Business and Management LLB (Hons)


Apa yang akan saya pelajari?

LLB Law and Business & Management (MN11) is a joint honours degree that explores two stimulating, challenging and complimentary disciplines. For the Law aspects of the course, you will be taught in the oldest and most established Law department in Wales, by expert staff - many of whom have also practiced as solicitors - providing a practical application to your theoretical studies. For the Business & Management aspects of the course, you will be taught in the Aberystwyth Business School, by active academics who have a wide range of interests across marketing, operations management, finance, accounting, strategy, human resource management and entrepreneurship. Combined together this degree has been engineered for a student who wants to succeed in a legal career or global business management practice.**Why study LLB Law and Business & Management at Aberystwyth University?**- A practical degree designed to meet employer needs and taught by experienced professionals, and academics;- Taught by professionals who are active for large organisations e.g. GRETA, , the Youth Justice Board, the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights;- Excellent social and professional opportunities, e.g. visits to Law Fairs and Inns of Court in London;- Option to participate in our national and international competing Mooting Society, in order to develop your key advocacy and litigation skills. • You will gain insight into the world of business, management and enterprise;- An understanding of the impact of changes in the business environment e.g. economic events, political events;- A broad understanding of management in practice;- In-depth knowledge of trade and commerce in both the public and private sector;- A solid grasp in the complexity of management challenges and the combined impact of the economic, financial, human and legal issues that leaders encounter.**What will I learn?**The breakdown below will provide you with an illustration of what you may study during the three-year degree scheme.First Year:You will receive core training in the fundamentals of accountancy & finance and management & business, and legal & criminal justice systems.Second Year:In the second year you will cover Human Resource Management and have the choice of a wide range of Legal and Business Management-related modules including commercial law, criminal law, human rights, international law, marketing management, entrepreneurship and new venture creation.Third Year:In the third year, there is a sole focus on Law-related modules that you can choose from to study. From commercial law through to the treatment & rehabilitation of offenders.**How will I be taught?**You will be taught through a combination of lectures, tutorials and seminars which are innovating and high quality allowing you to realise your potential. The modular basis of learning means you can tailor learning to your interests.LLB Law and Business & Management opens up a range of exciting opportunities for you. You will be a strong candidate for further training to become a solicitor. Or could consider a diverse range of career paths that our graduates have transitioned into including: criminology, financial management, business, human resources, international relations, journalism, education, chartered accountancy, investment banking; insurance; underwriting; risk management; marketing management; retail management; distribution and logistics management.

Saya termasuk departemen apa?

Department of Law and Criminology

Pilihan kuliah

Purna Waktu (3 tahun)

Biaya kuliah
£16.520,00 (Rp 334.310.605) per tahun
£16520 Per year

Ini adalah biaya tetap

* Biaya yang tercantum di halaman ini untuk tujuan indikatif, silahkan baca informasi resmi dari universitas bersangkutan

Tanggal mulai

September 2025


Main Site (Aberystwyth)

Penglais Campus,

Penglais Road,



SY23 3DD, WALES, Wales

Mungkin ada beberapa persyaratan IELTS yang berbeda, tergantung jurusan yang kamu ambil

Info tentang Aberystwyth University

Aberystwyth adalah salah satu universitas terbaik di Inggris bagi mahasiswa yang mencari pendidikan berkelas dunia dan berbasis penelitian.

  • Pusat keunggulan untuk kualitas penelitian
  • Universitas terbaik untuk kualitas pengajaran (2019)
  • Terbaik di Inggris & Wales untuk kepuasan mahasiswa (2019)
  • Klasifikasi tertinggi untuk Keunggulan Pengajaran (Gold TEF)

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