Skills for Electronics CertHE


Apa yang akan saya pelajari?

Our CertHE programmes have been specifically designed to give you a range of SKILLS sought by employers when considering applications to HIGHER and DEGREE APPRENTICESHIPS.

During your studies, you will gain the specialist and transferable skills to enable you to identify and solve real-world engineering problems and to confidently apply knowledge in a dynamic workplace environment.

The programme team will work with you to develop your practical, verbal and written skills - whilst allowing you to demonstrate to potential employers that you can plan and work effectively independently and with other people to deliver on your objectives… the skills that employers want

  • The course will be delivered through a mix of online delivery, face to face theory and practical sessions.
  • This will be delivered over 3 days per week in a blended learning format with an additional period of workplace learning.
  • Theory and practical sessions will be at UWTSD’s new Waterfront campus in Swansea.

The programme team will work with students and industrial partners to provide opportunities for students to gain work experience within a real industrial environment or within the university.

Course Overview

The course will be delivered through a mix of online delivery, face to face theory and practical sessions. This will be delivered over 3 days per week in a blended learning format. Theory and practical sessions will be at UWTSD’s new Waterfront campus in Swansea.

The programme team will work with students and industrial partners to provide opportunities for students to gain work experience within a real industrial environment or within the university.

Career Opportunities

Employability skills are embedded within each of the modules of the programmes. Communication, work-place etiquette, creative problem solving, team working and practical skills are developed further throughout the programme. 

After successful completion of the Certificate of Higher Education Programmes, students may choose to stay at the University and progress onto various BEng, BSc, HND or HNC programmes.

The progression opportunities are detailed below:

Cert HE – Skills for Electronics 

On successful completion of the Cert HE, there will be options to progress onto a full-time (Hons) degree in areas such as:  

  • Electrical & Electronics Engineering  

Individuals who are successful in gaining suitable employment will have the opportunity to apply for a Higher or Degree Apprenticeship.

Saya termasuk departemen apa?


Pilihan kuliah

Purna Waktu (1 tahun)

Biaya kuliah
£13.500,00 (Rp 273.195.712) per tahun
£13500 Per year

Ini adalah biaya tetap
Tanggal mulai

September 2025


SA1 Waterfront Campus, Swansea


Kings Road,


SA1 8AL, WALES, Wales

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