Veterinary Medicine BVMS



Apa yang akan saya pelajari?

**VETERINARY MEDICINE & SURGERY**:- As a vet you can contribute to society through serving the health care needs of animals, advocating for animal welfare, contributing to research, innovation and business and playing a central role in the health of human and animal populations and their environments. The University's Vet School is one of seven Vet Schools in Europe to have achieved accredited status for its undergraduate programmes from the American Veterinary Medical Association.

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School of Veterinary Medicine

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Purna Waktu (5 tahun)

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Tanggal mulai

September 2025


Gilmorehill (Main) Campus

University Of Glasgow,

University Avenue,


Glasgow, City Of,

G12 8QQ, SCOTLAND, Scotland

Mungkin ada beberapa persyaratan IELTS yang berbeda, tergantung jurusan yang kamu ambil

Info tentang University of Glasgow

Glasgow telah melahirkan banyak penemuan yang mengubah dunia selama 500 tahun, dan mahasiswa disini menjadi para pelopor inovatif di dunia global.

  • Berlokasi di Glasgow, kota musik dalam daftar UNESCO
  • Masuk dalam 100 besar universitas terbaik dunia
  • Perguruan tinggi keempat tertua di Inggris
  • Menawarkan lebih dari 600 program studi

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