Visual Neuroscience PhD



Apa yang akan saya pelajari?

Focus your studies on visual computing through our Computer Science and Informatics research programmes (MPhil, PhD).


Studying for a PhD or MPhil in the area of visual computing will see you join the School as part of a successful team of researchers with a range of industrial partners and academic collaborators.

Distinctive features

  • Our longstanding, strong and dynamic research culture has given rise to our international reputation for world-class research.
  • The School supports work in this area with a substantial investment in research facilities and infrastructure.
  • Vibrant research culture that includes School and themed seminar programmes and conference/travel opportunities.
  • Dedicated support and training to boost your research-themed knowledge and skills.
  • We have extensive experience in many areas of computer vision, image and video processing. We are working closely with the Schools of Psychology, Engineering, Dentistry and Medicine, and we also collaborate with industrial partners, including Renishaw, Airbus, British Aerospace, Welsh Rugby Union, local Police forces, councils and health services.

Saya termasuk departemen apa?

School of Optometry and Vision Sciences

Pilihan kuliah

Purna Waktu (3 tahun)

Biaya kuliah
For tuition fees for this course, please visit our website.

*Baca informasi lengkap di situs institusi

Tanggal mulai

April 2025


Cardiff University

PO Box 921,


CF10 3XQ, WALES, Wales

Purna Waktu (3 tahun)

Biaya kuliah
For tuition fees for this course, please visit our website.

*Baca informasi lengkap di situs institusi

Tanggal mulai

Juli 2025


Cardiff University

PO Box 921,


CF10 3XQ, WALES, Wales

Persyaratan masuk

Untuk mahasiswa internasional

For Entry requirements for this course, please visit our website.

Mungkin ada beberapa persyaratan IELTS yang berbeda, tergantung jurusan yang kamu ambil

Info tentang Cardiff University

Cardiff University menawarkan pengajaran terdepan di dunia, kehidupan kampus yang aktif, aneka kegiatan, fasilitas unggul & prospek karier global.

  • Masuk 24 besar universitas penelitian intensif di Inggris
  • No.12 di Inggris untuk kesiapan kerja lulusan (THE, 2024)
  • Kota pelajar paling terjangkau No.2 di Inggris (NatWest 2023)
  • Memiliki lebih dari 7.500 mahasiswa internasional

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