War Studies Research MPhil / PhD




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Apa yang akan saya pelajari?


The Department is proud of its thriving community of research students. A recent HEFCE study found that King's College London is the most successful university in Britain in terms of PhD completion rate. The Department of War Studies is recognised by the British Academy, the Arts and Humanities Research Council, and the Economic and Social Research Council.

Nearly 200 students are currently undertaking doctoral research. Every year, about 60 new students join the programme. They work under the supervision of faculty members from the Department of War Studies and also from the Department of Defence Studies. The Department is especially interested in receiving applications from students planning their research projects in fields that will enhance the strength of the Department's research groups, programmes and centres and assumes that normally research students will be attached to one or more of these, and that in all cases will enhance research culture and contribute to the War Studies research strategy.

During the first year of study it is College policy that both full and part time students will have their progress reviewed within 3 months of initial registration and again after a period of nine months registration. Thereafter, the progress of all students will be reviewed at every six months. A comprehensive programme of individual research training is offered to ensure that students develop the skills necessary to complete their research programme and fulfil their career goals. In Year one, students will draw up a programme of research training and personal development in consultation with their supervisors. Ongoing research training needs are assessed in years two and three. The department offer additional training as required.

Students receive support from their supervisors in the following areas relating to their MPhil/PhD:

  • Structure & Plan
  • Direction & Training
  • Monitoring
  • Advice & Guidance
  • Support & Encouragement
  • Pastoral Responsibility
  • Future career guidance


A comprehensive programme of individual research training is offered to ensure that students develop the skills necessary to complete their research programme and fulfil their career goals. In year one, students will draw up a programme of research training and personal development in consultation with their supervisors. Ongoing research training needs are assessed in years two and three. The department offer additional training as required.

All MPhil/PhD candidates undertake a tailored programme of research training and development through all three years of the programme. The department is especially interested in receiving applications from students planning their research projects in fields that will enhance the strength of the department's research groups, centres and programmes. Details of these can be found on the War Studies website, The department assumes that normally research students will be attached to one or more of these and that in all cases will enhance research culture and be consistent with the War Studies research strategy. In addition to the staff listed, there are academic staff for research supervision based at the Defence Studies Department (DSD) at the Joint Services Command and Staff College.

Saya termasuk departemen apa?

War Studies

Pilihan kuliah

Purna Waktu (3 tahun) - Berbagai lokasi kuliah

Biaya kuliah
£24.360,00 (Rp 492.966.485) per tahun
Ini adalah biaya tetap

* Biaya yang tercantum di halaman ini untuk tujuan indikatif, silahkan baca informasi resmi dari universitas bersangkutan

Tanggal mulai

September 2025


Strand Campus





Persyaratan masuk

Untuk mahasiswa internasional

A Master's degree with high merit, and a 2.1 honours degree at the bachelor's level; It is not essential to have taken courses in this field at postgraduate level but we advise students to consider taking our MA or a similar course elsewhere before undertaking research work in the Department of War Studies; Extensive practical experience in the relevant field (e.g. military, diplomatic, journalistic, humanitarian or developmental) may be taken into account when evaluating an application. Students can demonstrate their English Language Proficiency with the following tests and grades: IELTS (Academic): 7.0 overall with a minimum of 6.5 in each skill; TOEFL iBT: 100 overall with a minimum of 25 in writing and 23 in each of the other skills.

Mungkin ada beberapa persyaratan IELTS yang berbeda, tergantung jurusan yang kamu ambil

Info tentang King's College London

Mahasiswa seluruh dunia dapat berkuliah di King’s dan menikmati pendidikan kelas dunia, yang dengan kerja keras akan menghasilkan kesuksesan karir.

  • Anggota Grup Russell yang dihormati
  • Standar pengajaran dan dukungan karir yang unggul
  • Mahasiswa yang beragam dengan 18.000 mahasiswa internasional
  • Koneksi yang unggul ke organisasi di London dan global

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