Diversity and Equity in Education (MSEd)

Amerika Serikat


Apa yang akan saya pelajari?

The primary purpose of the diversity and equity in education program is to develop capacities of educators and other professionals to support cultural diversity and culturally responsive learning and is interdisciplinary program emphasizes the cultivation of dispositions, attitudes, knowledge and skills that are critical to teaching diverse students in today’s schools and working in any other settings where diversity is both present and valued.

Here is what the program can do for you:

Help you enter and succeed in a wide variety of careers and occupations in various settings, including:

Educational institutions
Social services
Human resources
Corporate/public administration
Other fields with increasing demand for diversity skills

Act as a stepping stone to a doctoral program in social foundations of education, educational policy and related areas
Enhance your understanding of the intersection of diversity and education, including the needs of English-language learners
Enhance your understanding of the ways diversity operates in different settings and of how diversity is portrayed in popular culture

For educators in P-12 settings, the program can:

Teach you how to engage and increase academic performance of all of your students, including:

Students of color
Economically disadvantaged students
English-language learners

Help you learn how to enhance student skills in areas such as empathy and respect
Develop your capacity to be effective as a teacher of diverse students

This program is offered through the Department of Educational Leadership in the School of Education, Health and Human Behavior.

Emphases Available

Cultural Diversity

Diversity Training

English as a Second Language

Gender and Education

Saya termasuk departemen apa?

School of Education, Health and Human Behavior

Pilihan kuliah

Online/Jarak jauh dengan kehadiran (33 jam)

Biaya kuliah
US$16.708,00 (Rp 261.814.361) per tahun

* Biaya yang tercantum di halaman ini untuk tujuan indikatif, silahkan baca informasi resmi dari universitas bersangkutan

Batas akhir pendaftaran

Direncanakan April, October 2025

Tanggal mulai

Direncanakan Januari 2026


School of Education, Health and Human Behavior

Alumni Hall Room 1137,



62026, United States

Persyaratan masuk

Untuk mahasiswa internasional

Successful completion of a bachelor's degree prior to enrollment
GPA of 3.0 or above (A=4.0) during their last two years of undergraduate work. (The undergraduate GPA requirement may be waived for students who have received in more recent graduate coursework a GPA that demonstrates potential for success.)
International Applicants: Proof of English Proficiency, minimum requirements are TOEFL (79), IELTS (6.5) or equivalent

Mungkin ada beberapa persyaratan IELTS yang berbeda, tergantung jurusan yang kamu ambil

Info tentang Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) ialah institusi negeri yang diakui nasional dan menawarkan aneka program studi bermutu & terjangkau.

  • Biaya kuliah terjangkau dan tersedia banyak beasiswa
  • Kampus indah berjarak 25 menit dari St. Louis, Missouri
  • Program studi terakreditasi, diajar oleh dosen purna waktu
  • Populasi mahasiswa yang beragam dan bersahabat

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