Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology

Amerika Serikat

Apa yang akan saya pelajari?

A minimum 63-credit Doctoral program in Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology is offered. This thesis program prepares students for a profession in academia, industry or research. The program may be completed on either a full-time or part-time basis. The majority of students in the program are full-time. Students who receive funding from UMass Lowell are required to help faculty and students by serving as teaching assistants (TA) and research assistants (RA). The Ph.D. program includes 16 credits of core courses, a minimum of 12 credits of specialization courses, a capstone project, two credits of doctoral seminar and a minimum of 30 credits of dissertation research. In addition, students in the Ph.D. program must pass a Qualifier Examination, Dissertation Proposal and Dissertation Defense.

Saya termasuk departemen apa?

Francis College of Engineering

Pilihan kuliah

Purna Waktu (63 jam)

Biaya kuliah
US$28.398,00 (Rp 444.996.662) per tahun

* Biaya yang tercantum di halaman ini untuk tujuan indikatif, silahkan baca informasi resmi dari universitas bersangkutan

Tanggal mulai

Januari 2025


University of Massachusetts - Lowell



01854, United States

Persyaratan masuk

Untuk mahasiswa internasional

Students with an overall undergraduate (and graduate, if applicable) grade point average of 3.000 or higher will be considered for admission. Applicants must present official undergraduate and graduate transcripts from all schools attended.

For acceptance into the program, applicants should present a minimum Graduate Record Exam (GRE) score of 142 in verbal and 152 in quantitative tests (294 combined). The date of the GRE exam should not precede the date of application by more than three years. The AACC will also pay particular attention to the applicant’s score on the GRE analytical writing section. Only official GRE scores from the Educational Testing Service will be considered acceptable.

Applicants must have a minimum of two semesters or three quarters (equivalent of one academic year) of calculus, strong quantitative skills, and undergraduate coursework in statistics/experimental design and life science/biomedical science, as evidenced by their transcripts.

International applicants, whose native language is not English, should present a minimum Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of 79 (internet version), 213 (computer version) or 550 (paper version).

Mungkin ada beberapa persyaratan IELTS yang berbeda, tergantung jurusan yang kamu ambil

Info tentang University of Massachusetts - Lowell

Universitas ini memiliki tingkat penerimaan lulusan yang unggul, 98% lulusan bekerja, berkuliah S2/S3 atau menjadi sukarelawan dalam waktu 6 bulan.

  • Universitas negeri No.1 di Massachusetts (Wall Street Journal)
  • Menawarkan lebih dari 170 program akademis terakreditasi penuh
  • Universitas No.1 di Massachusetts untuk keberlanjutan (STARS)
  • Tersedia beragam beasiswa dan dukungan dana

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