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Sarjana, Pascasarjana
New Jersey Institute of Technology
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Academic excellence
Most merit-based scholarship programs require that you be enrolled full time and maintain a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.0. Most scholarships are renewable, but some are not. To continue receiving renewable scholarships, you must continue to meet the scholarship criteria as set forth in the scholarship agreement. However, because some external scholarships funds are determined by the value from the market, there could be occasions where a scholarship may have funds one year and not in a subsequent year if the market is unfavorable. Students will be notified if they are impacted ahead of time so that other options are explored.
For most scholarship programs, NJIT monitors whether a scholarship can be renewed after the spring semester. General scholarship requirements are the following:
Pelajar di seleksi berdasarkan
Kamu secara otomatis dipertimbangkan untuk menerima beasiswa saat mendaftar ke jurusan yang relevan di institusi ini
For further information, please contact the university website.