Surveying and Mapping Sciences BSc (Hons)


Apa yang akan saya pelajari?

Surveyors are in high demand, and this course will give you the skills to take advantage of a worldwide employment market.We have superb links with the industry and run a regular programme of guest speakers. You'll also visit major projects in London - one of the world's most dynamic construction areas.You'll undertake a 50-50 split of academic and practical work. This will involve fieldwork projects, including a residential scheme, and classroom and laboratory exercises.You'll also be able to apply for student membership of the Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors - an international qualifying body dedicated to the regulation, education and training of surveyors working in civil engineering.Surveying involves the precise measurement of spatial data - information that's crucial to a huge range of construction projects, on land and offshore.On large building projects, surveyors are the first on-site to establish the basic measurements and the last to leave, checking everything is in the right place.If you want a degree in surveying, but don't meet the standard entry requirements, then you can apply for the foundation year,First, we prepare you for your degree during the foundation year, bringing you up to speed with academic skills and a firm grounding in the subject. Then you can go on to do the full undergraduate degree.

Saya termasuk departemen apa?

School of Architecture, Computing and Engineering (ACE)

Pilihan kuliah

Purna Waktu (3 tahun)

Biaya kuliah
£14.580,00 (Rp 295.051.369) per tahun
£14580 Per year

Ini adalah biaya tetap

* Biaya yang tercantum di halaman ini untuk tujuan indikatif, silahkan baca informasi resmi dari universitas bersangkutan

Tanggal mulai

September 2025


Docklands Campus

University Way,




Mungkin ada beberapa persyaratan IELTS yang berbeda, tergantung jurusan yang kamu ambil

Info tentang University of East London

Sebagai universitas yang mengutamakan karir, dengan dua kampus di pusat London Timur dan ratusan pilihan program studi, UEL adalah pilihan yang ideal.

  • Akomodasi dalam kampus di tepi laut yang modern dan aman
  • Ratusan pilihan program studi
  • Akses mudah ke budaya dan hiburan terbaik di London
  • Banyak beasiswa bernilai besar untuk mahasiswa internasional

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